Sunday, January 21, 2007

Two weeks left till Paul will be no more (in Holland)

Two weeks left untill..
Two weeks left untill I will go to India, Jaipur. I`ll be working there for 18 weeks at a NGO called Cecoedecon. At this moment I only planned in 2 weeks for travelling. It might be a bit short, but since the monsoon will be haunting the south of India during won`t be so great to go there. Besides the 100% humidity (which sucks; I experienced it in Seoul for 1 week and suddenly I wanted to be anywhere but in Seoul) I also learned it is better to make choices and just find a destination that is unique and special. Jaipur is also close to some of the biggest tourist destinations in India, so weekend-trips will hopefully cover those.

Besides having to arrange everything, there is also another thing that worries me. I found a site of somebody who did the same traineeship as me..but she decided to quit in one week! Maybe it was a culture shock...maybe she broke the rule that you should create no expectations at all of your traineeship..and just go in there with an open mind..and trying to make the best of it.

Ah well, I`m confident that it`ll be a great experience..whatever happens.

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