Friday, May 05, 2006

Archive: September 2005, Stories from Korea

So it`s two months ago since I left Korea..and still..everywhere I go..stories and memories come in my head about the great times I`ve had there..time to write them down..

At the end of the semester I decided to go traveling in Korea. Most of the people I knew left the country and went to other countries in Asia, but I decided to stay another 2 weeks in Korea to go to more places. I didn`t want to make lightning visits to other Asian countries because it would be a shame only to stay at a place for 3 days and then go on (not to mention expensive). And besides that, I know I will go back to discover the rest of Asia eventually..only death will keep me form doing that in the future :).

So I stayed within Korea and went to the place with the longest travelling distance: The mysterious island of Ulleung-do. First I had to travel about 250 km to the port city of Pohang. I arrived there at about 20:00...and it was getting dark...and I was looking for a motel. I already looked on the internet for a good adress near the sea. But it`s a lot harder to navigate yourself in an unknown city in the dark. So I stepped out of the bus and looked for the first street map that I could find. Trying to determine my position, suddenly an older korean woman (about 55/60) came to me and tried to help me in Korean...well...My korean wasn`t that good (C- as a grade for that :)) and so she brabled a lot to me with me being confused. She wanted to help..I was looking for a bus ride but she told me that there where no busses driving anymore (she spoke a little bit english...very little). Eventually she told me that "My husband speak English, he help"..and she told me to follow her home. So for the first time during my stay in Korea, I would go to an original Korean house! It was more like an appartment but still very "gemutlich" and small. Her husband would arrive at about 21:00pm and it was 20:30. So I got some coffee and dry garlic bread, she was worried about me..and told me to!!! drink!
We had a limited conversation where I demonstrated my Korean skills (numbers, kamsahamnida and anjohasejo) and she her English skills. Then her husband came..and as you might understand..he was really surprised (positively) about what his wife brought home. His english appeared to be a little bit limited but good enough to let me make clear what motel I was looking for. He made a phonecall to the motel and told me there were still rooms available. He offered me a ride to the motel (in his KIA) and then offered me dinner (!!!!). So much hospitality, so much help, so would never NEVER find that in the Netherlands, not anymore. The dinner was great at again the lady told me to eat more, eat more! I told her in Korean that I liked it and thanked her for the food and drinks. I learned that they had a son who lived in America, and that he was a marine in the Korean war. He told me is age and I was amazed..I think i was close to 65 and he looked like 50!

After having a good meal, a good drink and a good talk they dropped me off at my motel and even negotiated the price down for me. For that one evening..I had a Korean mom and dad..if I wanted it or not ;)

The next morning I got up and went to catch the ferry that would take me to Ulleung-do..a 217km long trip..but thats another story..for another time :)


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