Thursday, January 10, 2013

My 5 favorite tracks of 2012

Tame Impala - Endoirs Toi

The first thirty seconds there's a synth going from your right to you left ear and you think: "This is interesting, but is this it?". Then at 0:30 the drums kick in and the song launches itself in the sky. Amazing! 

The Walkmen - Heaven

One beat. A couple of chords with alternate picking. One guitar on vibrato.
Beautiful in it's simplicity with excellent lyrics to wail along to with all your heart.

Neon Bunny - Oh my prince

Excellent deep bass, smooth vocals. She's singing in Korean, you shouldn`t understand it, but somehow you do: Oh-oh-oh-oh....ooohooo, ooohooo. It just suits the song.  Certainly the most catchy tune to oh-oh along to this year. 

Beach House - Myth

A warm bath of sound. It´s heavy, it is slow, it is dramatic, it is mystical (no typ-o),  but also very, very comforting.

Chairlift - I Belong in your arms

A huge battle between this song and Amanaemonesia. That song has the best bassline I´ve heard all year, but it was released last year. This song, `I belong in your arms` however, is just as great. Again an excellent bassline, but the chorus is what makes this song a really high high for me. Lucy (or Paul) in the sky with diamonds. Just like the bass-player in this clip of the Japanese karaoke version of the song.